
This is a UK printed equivalent double sided monthly calendar card suitable for both the Needtek UT-2000 and the TimeBoy staff attendance time clocks. Printed on a standard low weight buff card this card should prove acceptable for most mechanisms. A sample card is available to customers on request - <Contact Us>


Card Style

Suitable for use Needtek Model UT-2000 attendance time recorders set to calendar monthly accounting. Purchase
price for 200 cards £24.95
Hermes 3-day delivery £ 5.50
Total cost £30.45 + VAT

To purchase a pack of 200 cards
Ref: UT-2000m click this button

TimeBoy Card
Suitable for use with earlier TimeBoy clocks.
These cards are now discontinued stock but available to special order.


This is the original NIPPON calendar monthly double sided card produced for the TimeBoy attendance time recorder. The colour print does not scan too well but the printed card are quite clear. The reverse side of each card is printed in orange and the clipped corner sets the half of the month that should be used at anytime.